1st June 2017 marked the seventh anniversary of the 'North-East History Tour' - a labour of love which began with a post on the site of the Battle of Halidon Hill near the Scottish border. Seven years and more than 450 posts later, we find ourselves having travelled the length of the North-East coast, around Cleveland, back up to the Border, then down once again into the depths of Durham - and then back up north again!
I now only post to the 'Tour' once per week instead of twice - usually on a Tuesday. But do not despair, for I am slightly changing the format - hopefully for the better. For I am opening up the blog to guest posts.
So if you feel like contributing to the blog with an article or three of your own of between 200 to 600 words on ANY aspect of North-East history from ANY corner of the region, sound me out at micksouthwick @ blueyonder.co.uk and we'll see what we can do. No fees or payments, I'm afraid, but feel free to subtly plug a book, website, blog, or whatever.
Best contact me first, though, just in case the topic has already been covered - and I can't promise to say 'yes', but I'll try to be as accommodating as possible. Images are great, too, so long as you own the copyright, or use pictures that are freely available. I will offer advice and guidance should you need it, and reserve the right to edit the material as I see fit - if for no other reason that to match the style of the blog.
You do not need to be an expert, a published author, or qualified in any way - anyone can do it. And remember, you can submit a piece about ANY part of the North-East (Northumberland, Co.Durham, Tyne & Wear or Cleveland/Teesside).
In the meantime, I shall plod on my merry way through the region, with 'guest posts' filling the Friday slot.
So get scribbling!
Did you get my letter to you Michael? Jeff Bartram Brightraven94@Hotmail.com