If you’re looking for a book – or a DVD – on any aspect of the North-East, then please consider using the SHOP facility, below...
(Best to right-click, then choose 'Open in New Tab, or Window')
The store is called the North-East History Hub Shop - or the NEHHub Shop for short - and is an off-shoot of my main website, here. It is basically a stand-alone site formed from the vast holdings of the infinitely useful Amazon website. By clicking on the SHOP link, you will be taken to my hand-picked, purpose-built selection of 600+ books and DVD on all aspects of the region’s history. Here you can browse the collection via a variety of categories, add them to your basket in the normal way and pay for them as you would normally do at Amazon. You shall be doing me a great favour if you do your local shopping in this way as I will get a small percentage of every sale. Whilst you move about the shop other books and goods will be flagged and suggested to you – and even if you decide to buy a book which is not from my shop then I will still get credit for the fact that you moved through my link. So please help keep your poor editor above the breadline by using my useful online aid – and if you can suggest any improvements or additions to the shop then please let me know.